From faucets to fire hydrants and everything in between, Hickenbottom® Supply has all your municipal, commercial, industrial, and residential supply needs. Whether it’s new construction, a municipal emergency, or just a few pipes, valves, and fittings, Hickenbottom® Supply is equipped to cover all your needs. We take pride in our rich history of customer service and look forward to serving you today!
Fairfield, Iowa – Headquarters & Area Location
1801 West Stone Ave.
Fairfield, IA 52556
Local 641-472-4786
Fax 641-472-4419
Grinnell, Iowa – Area Location
424 400th Ave.
Grinnell, IA 50112
Local 641-236-3320

Founded in 1979 as a manufacturer of agricultural inlet systems, Hickenbottom® Inc. has grown from a seedling, tiling, and land improvement company into a multifaceted corporation featuring its cornerstone bright orange inlet systems and expanding subsidiary companies that include wide ranges of wellness, office, and supply products.